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Beauty quotes for today.

Beauty quotes

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart. – Helen Keller

I know who I am. I am not perfect. I’m not the most beautiful woman in the world. But I’m one of them. – Mary J. Blige

Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you’re most beautiful. – Zoe Kravitz

Love is a really scary thing, and you never know what’s going to happen. It’s one of the most beautiful things in life, but it’s one of the most terrifying. It’s worth the fear because you have more knowledge, experience, you learn from people, and you have memories. – Ariana Grande

Sometimes the most beautiful thing is precisely the one that comes unexpectedly and unearned, hence something given truly as a present. – Anna Freud

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All little girls should be told they are pretty, even if they aren’t. ― Marilyn Monroe

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine. – Siddhārtha Gautama

Not just beautiful, though—the stars are like the trees in the forest, alive and breathing. And they’re watching me. —Haruki Murakami

You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. That is how important you are! -Eckhart Tolle

To love yourself right now, just as you are, is to give yourself heaven. Don’t wait until you die. If you wait, you die now. If you love, you live now. – Alan Cohen

What you do, the way you think, makes you beautiful. ― Scott Westerfeld

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. ― Rabindranath Tagore

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Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone. ― Dorothy Parker

Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old. ― Franz Kafka

Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them. ― Marcus Aurelius

I can only note that the past is beautiful because one never realizes an emotion at the time. It expands later, and thus we don’t have complete emotions about the present, only about the past. ― Virginia Woolf

It’s one of the most beautiful things in the world, to go off and make a film. At the heart of it, making a film – it’s pretend. It’s a silly thing to do. But it can be important, and to have that experience with people you love is one of the best things you can do. – Christopher Abbott

Joy in looking and comprehending is nature’s most beautiful gift. – Albert Einstein

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